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We recommend and sell:
Aquachek test strips

Results can be recorded manually into the Aquachek Connect App.


Aquachek Connect App for both Android and IOS operating systems, enables you to more easily record your chemical levels and advise on corrective action based on your results.
We recommend this app to everyone regardless of whether they own a spa or swimming pool, and regardless of the sanitising system being used.



Currently the app directly supports 13 different test strips from the Aquachek range (and every other make/model of test strip for pool/spa water):

Aquachek Select Connect (uses the phone camera to scan and record results)
Aquachek TruTest
Aquachek TruTest Spa
Aquachek ShockChek
Aquachek Blue - Biguanide 3-in-1
Aquachek Peroxide 3-in-i 
Aquachek Red - Bromine 4-in-1 
Aquachek Select Kit 7-in-1 
Aquachek Copper 3-in-1 
Aquachek Spa 6-in-1 
Aquachek MPS - Monopersulphate 3-in-1 
Aquachek Yellow - Chlorine 4-in-1 
Aquachek Salt System

You can still use this App even if you use an alternate brand of test strips or test kit - simply add the data manually.