Australian Spa Parts - Edgetec Force 10 spa jets and swim jets

Edgetec Force 10 whirlpool spa jets and swim jets
150mm diameter

Edgetec Force 10 1.5" / 38mm SVT Nozzle

SKU: e2871

Edgetec Force 10 Swim Jet Nozzle for conversion to Spa use SVT nozzle (Super Venturi Technology) - this nozzle introduces venturi air from both the outside of the nozzle and centre of the nozzle producing si...

9 In Stock


Edgetec Force 10 Swim Jet or Spa Jet - 38mm nozzle - Graphite Grey / Stainless Steel

SKU: e2868-ss

Edgetec Swim Jet - Force 10 1/2" / 15mm Socket Air x 2" / 50mm Spigot - water Graphite Grey with 316 stainless steel escutcheon Standard Nozzle - 1.5" / 38mm Flow Rate - 690 lpm at 60 kpa 150mm diameter fa...

6 In Stock
