Australian Spa Parts - Gecko Aeware spa control system parts

Aeware 3 Spa Electronic Control Systems - made by Gecko Electronics

Aeware in.xe, in.y & in.xm series systems

in.k series topside panel touchpads

Aeware HC in.split cable - 2 x single speed pump adaptor

SKU: aeware9920-401248

Aeware in.split cable - HC-SP-15-240-AE2 Two x single speed pump adaptor cable. Used on Aeware in.xm spa packs when more than 3 jet pumps are used. For Pump 1 & 4, or Pump 2 & 5. Larger of the 2 sized plug/s...

2 In Stock


Aeware in.terface for Audio Visual

SKU: aeware0608-521002

Gecko Aeware in.terface - Audio Visual interface control box AND 9920-400976 IR Repeater cable ( to din plug adaptor cable to connect stereo to in.terface) IN.TR-AV-2AU-2CO 0608-521002 Used with Aewa...

3 In Stock


Aeware In.Therm heater Mounting Bracket

SKU: aeware9920-101464

Aeware In.Therm or in.Clear Mounting Bracket Pair. Designed to suit either in.therm remote heater or in.clear tubes for support. Does not suit in.y series heaters Bracket, clamp and screws included. ...

9 In Stock


Aeware Swim Spa interlink cable

SKU: aeware9920-401316

Aeware swimspa system lv-lv-8-kco interlink cable. This cable is used to link 2 spa packs together for more outputs off single touchpad/system: in.xe swimspa system - two in.xe spa packs swims...

5 In Stock


Aeware in.tune / IR Repeater Cable

SKU: aeware9920-400976

Aeware IR repeater cable to connect Aeware in.tune, spa stereo units to Aeware spa packs via in.terface box to enable touchpad stereo controls from the Aeware in.k600 touchpad. Also to connect in.s...

2 In Stock


Aeware in.xtend Touchpad Extension System

SKU: aeware0608-5210130608-521

Gecko Aeware in.xtend touchpad / keypad extension system This is used to extend the length of touchpad to spa pack distance up to 90m away from the spa pack for some touchpad models. The kit is supplied with...

1 In Stock


Aeware IRMT-4 IR Sensor for IRMT-4 remote control

SKU: aeware9920-100324

Aeware spa mounted IR sensor for use with IRMT-4 floating remote control in order to control spa functions on spas fitted with Aeware in.xe, in.y and in.xm spa packs - plugs into CO (communications) port Als...

4 In Stock


Aeware LC in.split cable - circulation pump / ozone adaptor

SKU: aeware9920-401249

Aeware (low current) in.split cable - LC-PP-5-120/240-AE1 Circulation pump / ozone adaptor cable. Used on Aeware in.xe spa packs when a 24hr circulation pump is fitted and controls filtration / heating / ozo...

7 In Stock


aM16 - Cartridge Fuse - slow blow 16A - Gecko Aeware / Spanet

SKU: fu440016

aM slow blow cartridge fuse 16A 38mm long x 10.3mm diameter - used on Aeware in.xm2 spa control packs and also on Spanet SV2 spa packs These fuses differ in size to the more universal 'SC' (SLC. SEC, etc)...

38 In Stock


aM20 - Cartridge Fuse - slow blow 20A - Gecko Aeware

SKU: fu440020

aM slow blow cartridge fuse 20A 38.2mm long x 10.3mm diameter - used on Aeware in.xe,, and some in.xm spa control packs These fuses differ in size to the more universal 'SC' (SLC, SEC, etc) se...

28 In Stock


aM25 - Cartridge Fuse - slow blow 25A - Spanet

SKU: fu440025

aM slow blow cartridge fuse 25A 38mm long x 10.3mm diameter - used on Spanet SV3 spa packs These fuses differ in size to the more universal 'SC' (SLC. SEC, etc) series cartridge fuses. This fuse is not c...

22 In Stock


aM32 - Cartridge Fuse - slow blow 32A - Gecko Aeware / Spanet

SKU: fu440032

aM slow blow cartridge fuse 32A 38mm long x 10.3mm diameter - used on Aeware in.yj spa packs and Spanet SV3 spa packs These fuses differ in size to the more universal 'SC' (SLC. SEC, etc) series cartridge ...

24 In Stock


Gecko Aeware in.touch2 - wifi smartphone spa control

SKU: aeware0608-521031

Gecko Aeware in.touch2 wifi RF modules REMOTE ACCESS WITH Android, iPHONE, iPOD, iPAD via wi-fi for full spa control from anywhere - MORE functions than any touchpad! Can only be used with Gecko Aeware spa p...

1 In Stock


Gecko Aeware Spa Monitor & Weather Station

SKU: aeware0699-607001

Aeware - in-house spa system monitoring and weather station (temperature only). Not only does it display indoor, outdoor and spa water temperatures, but it also keeps on eye on spa condition report...

2 In Stock


Gecko Aeware & in.xe Power Transformer

SKU: aeware560aa0457

Gecko Aeware in.xe and pcb power supply transformer 10 pin plug 240v input 10v / 2v dual output ...

1 In Stock


He Li Shun PCB Mounted Relay 30A, 240V, 12V DC Coil

SKU: hls-t91-16f-1-a

PCB relay for Aeware series spa pack circuit boards. Suits Aeware in.xe, and in.xm series spa packs. Single Pole, Single Throw 30A rated relay with 12v DC coil. Used on Printed Circuit Boards made by A...

36 In Stock


Omron G4A-1A-E PCB Mounted Relay 20A, 250V, 12V DC Coil

SKU: omg4a1ae

PCB relay for Aeware series spa pack circuit boards. Suits Aeware in.xe, and in.xm series spa packs. Two Pole, Single Throw 20A rated relay with 12v DC coil. Used on Printed Circuit Boards made by Aewa...

8 In Stock


Touchpad Adaptor Plate - in.k300

SKU: gecko9917-102239

Touchpad Adaptor Plate - in.k300 - Black 215mm long x 100mm wide x 4mm thick plastic Hole size - 130mm long x 36mm wide Designed to suit aeware in.k300 touchpads. May suit many others with minor modificatio...


Out Of Stock

Touchpad Adaptor Plate - in.k450

SKU: gecko9917-102123

Touchpad Adaptor Plate - in.k450 - Black 215mm long x 100mm wide x 4mm thick - plastic Hole size - 170mm long x 59mm wide oval shaped Designed to suit aeware in.k450 touchpads. May suit many others With min...

31 In Stock


Touchpad Adaptor Plate - Large

SKU: gecko9917-102122

Touchpad Adaptor Plate - Large - Black 216mm long x 100mm wide x 4mm thick - plastic Hole size - 163mm long x 65mm wide Designed to suit Gecko / Hydroquip / Aeware in.k35, K-19, K-35, K-4, K-8, eco-3, eco-8,...

10 In Stock


Touchpad Adaptor Plate - Small

SKU: gecko9917-102053

Touchpad Adaptor Plate - Small - Black 207mm long x 72mm wide x 4mm thick - plastic Hole size - 93mm long x 30mm wide Designed to suit Gecko / Hydroquip / Aeware in.k200, K-9, K-18, K-22, eco-1, eco-2, eco-6...

4 In Stock
