S&P Chrome Brass Air Control

SKU: wcasf128

No longer available Found on older spa baths - 32mm diameter threaded cap - 26mm OD thread on the body - 18.3mm OD thread on the screw in cap. O-ring seal is recessed in groove on underside of cap. The body...

S&P Silent Air Control - Chrome

SKU: wcasf164

Mainly used on spa baths - chrome cap does a 1/4 turn On/Off 40mm diameter cap, 27mm diameter hole required Designed for 25mm pressure pipe to glue inside the body under the spa Chrome is a coating applied t...

7 In Stock


S&P Standard Air Control - White

SKU: wcasf102

Common air control used over last 15+ years. The top unscrews completely, air intake from above spa lip - 1/2" or 15mm slip fit for pipe ...

8 In Stock
